Your Right to a Victim Advocate
You have a right to have a victim advocate to help you navigate the aftermath of a sexual assault.
So What Does a Victim Advocate Do?
Victim advocates are trained to support victims of crime. They offer emotional support, victims’ rights information, help in finding needed resources and assistance in filling out crime victim related forms. Our advocates frequently accompany victims and their family members through the criminal justice proceedings. Our advocates staff the 24-hour crisis hotline at 903-454-9999. Victim advocates’ responsibilities vary depending on the situation.
. Crisis intervention
. Emotional support
. Resources and referrals
. Information on victimization
. Assistance with Crime Victims Compensation application
. Information on legal rights and protections
. Information on criminal justice process
. Assist victims and their family members submit statements to the court
. Assistance with safety planning
. Assistance in navigating the medical systems