How Will I Survive the Sexual Assault?
Usually, recovery moves through phases.
Sometimes the first reaction is shock, disbelief and fear. You may respond with crying, shaking and agitation or with a calm and controlled outward appearance. You might not be able to continue your everyday activities, including eating and sleeping.
However, as time passes, the process of working through the trauma will show itself. Bit by bit, your mind will accept the full reality of the experience. You may feel the need to change your address, job,appearance, or lifestyle in order to gain a sense of security. You may start blaming yourself for sliding backward and for failing to get over the sexual assault.
Therefore, it is important for you to realize that what you are going through is perfectly natural. Treat yourself gently - do not place heavy demands on yourself. Do not hesitate to seek help from our Center. In time, you will become stronger and will regain self-confidence and self-control. You may still have flashbacks of the sexual assault and feel distressed, but these periods will become briefer and less frequent as time goes by.
You can help yourself reach this phase more quickly by letting others help you and by seeking counseling. Family and friends in your immediate support system may also experience some of the same feelings you are having. It is important that they, too, participate in the recovery process by talking with someone about their feelings and fears. They are encouraged, also, to contact the local Rape Crisis Center and receive services.